
Here you will find recent news stories about Miracles In Sight as well as relevant, up-to-date information about the eye banking industry.

Miracles in Sight: The Gift of Vision

the gift of sight

Did you know that the second-largest eye bank in the world is in Winston-Salem? Did you also know that the largest non-profit eye bank in the world is in Winston-Salem? Miracles In Sight holds both those distinctions. Here, in Winston-Salem, an area known for its commitment to the arts, is an organization dedicated to helping restore sight to so many in the world…and as a result, allowing them to enjoy the beauty and art in the world around them. As Dean Vavra, President and CEO of Miracles In Sight shared, “Mayor Allen Joines calls Winston-Salem a city of vision.” It truly is just that.

Read Full Article At Forsyth Family Magazine

the gift of sight

Inspiration. Collaboration. Innovation.