
Here you will find recent news stories about Miracles In Sight as well as relevant, up-to-date information about the eye banking industry.

Donor Family Story: Sandra

“Here is a little bit about Courtney.

Courtney was always striving to be the best and enjoy life to its fullest. She was valedictorian and graduated top of her class in nursing school. She absolutely loved her job as a labor and delivery nurse. She even had to deliver a few babies on her own.

She loved life cliche as it is, she did everything she could from jumping out of plains to hiking the mountains and planning a trip to Africa.

She believed in helping and giving all she could. So there wasn’t even a hesitation when asked if her corneas were available. I sincerely hope that her donation has made someone be able to enjoy life to its fullest. I hope they see all the world has to offer or just enjoy family. Her family and friends meant the world to her and she wanted everyone to be happy!

We are missing her more than words can say but knowing she was able to help someone see brings us a small amount of peace.”

– Sandra, mother of donor Courtney Whaley

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